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Intranet homepage review and benchmark

The intranet homepage is a vital part of your intranet: The first page for all users - the only page for some. So it is very crucial how you prioritize the limited space.

Four basic purposes
Intra2 homepage review and benchmark provides an analysis of how you use the space on your intranet homepage in relation to four basic purposes of a modern intranet:

  • Yellow: Find information (library)
  • Red: Be updated (news)
  • Green: Interact with colleagues (collaboration)
  • Blue: Get things done (tool)

Two graphs
The result is presented in two graphs:

  • A pie chart, showing the balance between the four purposes
  • A bar chart, showing how your homepage compares against an average intranet homepage

The graphs can be used for evaluating and discussing your intranet homepage in relation to the general purpose of your intranet and the needs of your users. 

Part of online collection
All reviewed and benchmarked intranet homepages become part of our password-protected extranet on

Get a free benchmark
If you want a free benchmark, please contact Mads Richard on

P.S. If you have an Intra2 Business One subscription, you get a free, yearly benchmark.

Want to know more?
You can learn more about intranet homepage review and benchmark in this presentation on slideshare.




* Average use of space on intranet homepages, based on more than 200 reviews.